Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bugzilla "undef error - Cannot determine local time zone" error in Ubuntu 10.10

After upgrading to Ubuntu 10.10, the installation of Bugzilla I had running with little issues since Ubuntu 9.04 suddenly broke with a glaring red box that said "undef error - Cannot determine local time zone" every time I tried to list bugs or display them.

After trying the suggestions at mozilla.support.bugzilla, I was unable to get Bugzilla to recognize the system's timezone setting. So, I just went hardcore and moved the existing time zone setting out of the way, and made a new symbolic link directly to the timezone file:

ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Phoenix /etc/localtime

Surprisingly, it worked...



Anonymous said...

Could you tell how to resolve this problem on Windows?

doomloard said...

Thanks this works.

Arjun Gowda said...

Could you tell how to resolve this problem on Windows?